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Reverend Leostone Morrison

Author, Speaker, Counselor and Mentor

Jamaican born, Rev. Leostone Peron Morrison, is the author of the book, Mind Renewal: Biblical Secrets to a Better You,from which the devotional series was birthed. He has served as an Assistant Pastor and Guidance Counselor at the Ministry of Educationin Jamaica, as well as Probation Officer in St Kittsand Nevis.

Rev. Morrison is the founder of Restoration of the Breach Without Borders Global, of which the Restoration of the Breach School hosted on the Thinkific platform is a subsidiary. He is the founder of Next Level Let's Climb Bible Study Ministry. Bathroom cleaning was his first ministry assignment.He is a graduate of the Jamaica Theological Seminary and holds a bachelors degree in Theology, with a minor in Guidance and Counseling. He acquired a diploma in Biblical Principles from Victory Bible School, and a certificate from the International Accelerated Missions School.

Rev. Morrison is married and has four sons and one daughter.

NOTE: For feedback, consultation or speakingengagements contact Rev. Morrison at

And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. Isaiah 58:12

Reverend Leostone Morrison
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